About Rowena

Hello, my name is Ro, and I believe that it is possible for you to turn your ordinary life into an extraordinary life - to find true happiness, while remaining, selfless, mindful and compassionate towards other living beings. Here at my blog, I interview and post articles by musicians, writers, world travelers, humanitarians and other amazing individuals who are doing just that. I also share with you various anecdotes about my own totally awesome existence as a musician, composer, journalist, environmentalist, and compassionati. My hope is to connect with you, enlighten you, inspire you and lead you down the path to true happiness. Compassion is always in fashion and it starts with you loving that most important of people, yourself.

October 21, 2010

Ro's Reviews: Leo Babauta's new e-book: "Focus, a Simplicity Manifesto in the Age of Distraction"

Here at Rousing Rowena I interview and post articles by minimilists, musicians, artists, writers, photographers, world travelers, and other amazing individuals who are living the kind of lifestyle that you just might want to live. These are people who have turned their ordinary lives into extraordinary lives. Finding out how they discovered what their passions are, how they found a way to pursue them to their hearts content, and how they found significance and happiness in doing so, is what this blog is all about. In other words dear friends, take a page from their book!

Speaking of books, today I read a most inspiring e-book by Leo Babauta, creator of Zen Habits and mnmlist, two of my favorite blogs. The title of the book is Focus - A Simplicity Manifesto in the Age of Distraction. I have mentioned before that I am a fan of Mr. Babauta and simply put, his new e-book is great. So what is the book about and what does it have to do with this blog? Here are my thoughts, comments and the reasons why I like the book and find it appropriate as a subject of this blog:

It’s about finding simplicity in this Age of Distraction. This is something most of us can use a little or even a lot of help with. Digital detoxing, disconnecting . . . whatever you want to call it. I found the book to be easy to understand and concise. It won’t take you much time to read it.

It’s about finding the focus you need to create, to work on what’s important, to reflect, to find peace. Finding focus is crucial not only to singer/songwriter, writer, creative types like me, but to all of you who want to pursue your passions. Reading the book was peaceful in and of itself. I felt that Mr. Babauta wrote the book with the effortless action that he speaks of. He encourages his readers to go with the flow and the book does so flow.

It comes in two flavors: Free and Premium.
I downloaded the Free version today. It is not everyday that you get a great book like this for free. I like free stuff, don’t you?

The Free version is simple: 27 chapters that you can download in PDF format. You can save paper by saving it on your computer, although I ended up printing it out and highlighting some stuff so I can read it while lounging around.

You don't have to give an email address or any other personal information out in order to get it.

It’s uncopyrighted, and Mr. Babuata indicates that you can share it with as many people as you like, although he would like you to of course give him credit for quoting him. We all learned back in kindergarten that sharing is cool! He is sharing, I am sharing, you are sharing . . . its all good.

The Free version of the book has provided me with great insight and tools to work with and I think it can help you too.

If you like the Free version, you might be interested in purchasing the Premium version, which has additional chapters, video how-to lessons, audio interviews with experts, and bonus guides to help you further learn to focus. In the meanwhile, the Free version is a no strings attached deal. Kudos to Leo Babauta for his wisdom and generosity.

Incidentally, I am NOT getting any kind of affiliate commission for reviewing the book or if you download it. Not even if you purchase the premium version. I am recommending this book to you because I love it with all of my minimalist, passion pursuing, dancing happy, heart.



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